SMART Training: Bridging Conservation & Community in Sumatra

Journey alongside International Tiger Project Field Manager Alex as he delves into the heart of Sumatra, collaborating with ranger teams to enhance SMART data recording.

In April 2023, International Tiger Project Field Manager Alex Moßbrucker headed to the heart of Sumatra, a land teeming with lush forests, endangered wildlife and complex conservation challenges. His focus: bridging the gap between conservation efforts and local communities through SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) training.

The SMART Project

SMART training, an initiative from SHL (Yayasan Sumatera Hijau Lestari), is funded with thanks to our donors and works to bridge the gap between conservation efforts and local communities while enhancing the collection of vital data through SMART.

Empowering Conservation with SMART

Biodiverse Sumatra is a critical battleground for conservationists. However, the region faces multiple threats - including habitat loss, human-wildlife conflicts and poaching.

The Power of SMART Training

Alex's primary focus was on SMART training, a powerful tool for data collection and analysis in conservation. He worked closely with ranger teams to equip them with the skills needed to monitor and report on wildlife populations effectively.

A Vision for the Future

Alex's trip shed light on the intricacies of using SMART technology in Sumatra's conservation efforts.

As he returned to the drawing board, he carried with him insights and a vision for a future where conservation efforts seamlessly integrate technology and local communities, ultimately safeguarding the region's unique wildlife.

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