Alexander Mossbrucker

Project Leader

Alex was born 1982 in picturesque southern Germany close to the Swiss and Austrian Alps. After having travelled to different regions of the world including Eastern Europe, South and Central America, Northern and Southern Africa, Alex now lives and works in Indonesia where he is responsible for the design and implementation of the Elephant Conflict Mitigation Unit (ECMU) project in Bukit Tigapuluh.

Alex has loved nature since his early childhood and spent much of his life exploring and enjoying it. Although being a formally trained scientist, his prime interest was always to protect nature and not merely to research it. Since 2008, Alex has focused on the conservation of the Sumatran tiger and its habitat.

“I believe that tiger conservation is important because their huge requirements in terms of space and their popularity make them a perfect flagship species for nature conservation. Saving tiger habitat will automatically save the habitat for many other fascinating endangered species such as Sumatran elephants, Sumatran orangutans, and clouded leopards. All efforts will help protect the remaining precious and highly diverse Sumatran lowland forest itself.”

"It is possible to stop the ongoing destruction of the remaining wildlife and wild areas, but we have to act immediately and put all our strength in it,” says Alex.

Position title:

Alex was born 1982 in picturesque southern Germany close to the Swiss and Austrian Alps. After having travelled to different regions of the world including Eastern Europe, South and Central America, Northern and Southern Africa, Alex now lives and works in Indonesia where he is responsible for the design and implementation of the Elephant Conflict Mitigation Unit (ECMU) project in Bukit Tigapuluh.