Save The Sumatran Tiger

There are less than 300 Sumatran tigers left in the wild. Their survival is under immediate threat from poaching, the illegal wildlife trade and habitat loss. Without urgent action, tigers will be lost forever.

Save the Tiger

We need your help

We need people like you to help us achieve our goals.
Join us by adopting, donating and campaigning for action.

  • Adopt

    Our adoption tigers symbolically represent our adoptions were some of the first tigers ever photographed by our camera ... Read more

  • Donate

    It’s hard to imagine having your leg trapped in a metal jaw. It’s hard to imagine which would hurt more - the torn flesh, the fractured bone or the anguish ... Read more

  • Appeals

    Poaching is on the rise, deforestation is rampant, and illegal networks are thriving Read more

Don't let extinction be their future

It’s hard to imagine which would hurt more - the torn flesh, the fractured bone or the anguish of knowing you couldn’t reach your two young cubs; alone, hungry and unprotected. 


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